Eighteen & Nineteen

Eighteen In this chapter Sales discusses the idea of natural beauty and how social media has exploited the exact opposite, outraging select girls into “taking breaks” or deleting all social media from their life much like the eighteen year old Essena O’Neill. O’Neill spoke out about how being Instafamous had not made her any happier… Continue reading Eighteen & Nineteen

Sixteen & Seventeen

Sixteen The primary focus of this chapter was how teens use social media for sexual interactions and how it has made it easier to have sexual relationships. Sales jumps around from cyber bullying to nudes and the role of social media in these situations. She interviews multiple groups of girls, most of them saying how… Continue reading Sixteen & Seventeen

Fourteen & Fifteen

Fourteen In this chapter Sales writes about social media in a less sexual light focusing on social media celebrities, communication of the new generation on teenage girls, and cyber bullying. She writes how teenagers have made their own celebrities through Youtu be such as Amanda Steele and Bethany Mota, whom have become famous through makeup and… Continue reading Fourteen & Fifteen

Introduction & Thirteen

Introduction In the first twenty or so pages of American Girls the author, Sales, writes about extreme circumstances when social media has allowed for pornography to be shared exclusively over Snapchat stories, a social media and communication platform.She repeatedly points out how social media is created by young men and is vastly consumed by young women… Continue reading Introduction & Thirteen